Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Song #3 Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

Another cover. It's true. I suppose I'm rather lacking in gusto when it comes to songwriting. I have two reasons for this. One, I've heard nightmarish stories about artists who write songs and don't copyright them and then are stolen from by big time artists who then copyright it for themselves and make millions off of a song some kid wrote in his bedroom. Just watch this:

Wouldn't that scare you a bit? I mean I don't know how true it is, but it does frighten me. And I don't mean to sound audacious, thinking that My music is good enough for anybody to want to steal. But still, I think I'm getting a bit better as a song writer (with a very very very long way's to go, let me assure you), and I'm just scared that something that I put on youtube or myspace or this blog might be heard by some desperate artist who had reached the last straw and needed a way out. Any way out. And then I would hear my song on the radio sung by someone with a better voice than mine, getting absolutely no credit for at least a little creativity of my own. The world's a cruel place.
So I've been looking into copyrighting laws and I think I might get into it in the future. But for the meantime.... I'm still a bit scared.

I don't remember what the second reason is.
But rest assured, I'm writing my pants off for this new EP I'm hoping to produce this summer. I've been really digging the sounds of Jonsi, Jeremy Larson, Mew, and Radical Face. I wouldn't mind if I sounded like a little of all four. Jonsi for his humanistic, joyful feel to his lyrics with the absolutely Mad drum beats. Jeremy Larson, for his clear, unique voice and raw piano talent. Mew for their melody. Radical Face for moving from the Simple to the Complex in a manner that sort of creeps up on you and you don't realize it. And when it comes, you close your eyes and move to a song that you wouldn't have in the beginning. Then as quickly as it comes, it goes back to something simple but beautiful. To see what I mean, listen to :!/item/pwpg/Radical+Face+-+Along+the+Road

Oh! And of course Yann Tiersen. Although at the moment I can't really tell if I'm under his influence, I hold the highest respect for the man as a musician. His new cd Dust Lane that came out last October absolutely blew my mind. I streamed it legally online and turned my lights off in my room and laid slantways on my bed with my eyes closed and mind empty and what happened was something like the feeling you get when you meditate, I guess. You're completely empty and allow yourself to be filled up by something. I was filled up by Dust Lane, and I can now say with confidence that it's a cd I think every human being should hear at least an excerpt from once in his life. I don't say this lightly, and I know that this cd could offend some people (It has the F word in one of its titles! Oh nos!!!) But you don't have to listen to that song (Though, after giving it a good listen, I think it'll be my favorite song when I'm married. Uh oh's.... I'm getting immature again.... Sorry : )
No but really. The music is so exceedingly experimental. I've never witnessed such emotion of different natures packed into just one hour. Tiersen takes you from this loud, absolute rage to sentimental piano pickings in half a second. And then back into something hopeful and joyful and natural. It makes one wish one could cry better. If you're not convinced, just give the album a listen right now with your eyes closed in your bedroom alone. You can skip the last song if you want (Unless you're married!)

Another thing that draws me to this album so much is that while Yann Tiersen recorded this off the coast of France (I think), he suffered the loss of both his mother and best friend. I think that's a lot to go through, especially in the process when you're supposed to be expressing something every day. You can just feel his sorrow all throughout the album. It's just beautiful.
I'm done, I think. I hope you enjoyed all those links and videos. Oh! and my video. Haha.
Thanks for reading