Saturday, January 29, 2011

Song #4 Hello, Sun

I was in our spare room in our old house in Mexico. I had set up what I told people was a makeshift studio, which consisted of a mattress and blankets strewn against the walls, two beginner condenser microphones, a borrowed mic stand, a USB interface that never worked, and this macbook pro. In my mind at the time were predominantly the melodies of Sigur Ros. My mom was badgering me to clean the whole place up in preparation for my sisters who were coming in two months. I never payed attention. Too much music to get out. Well... at least that's how I felt at the time. Looking back, music came out, but not as much as I thought. And it was all just ideas. No finished products. Just segments of what I hoped was beautiful. None of the ideas connecting with each other. All separate and distinct in my mind.
This is a product of those times. At the time, I had only made the guitar parts and the echo-y ambiance that you hear throughout the piece. No lyrics, no trivial bleep sounds. Just guitar. I thought it was beautiful, and I still think it's a rather pretty piece. Very sentimental. It's one of those songs that I don't really feel need words. I put them on anyway, just to experiment. That's what this whole thing is, really. An experimentation. If you don't like it, then I'm sorry. But I do and I think that's all that matters. Well, I mostly like it. I don't ever really like any of my songs completely. There's always something that I wish I had done differently. But you have to move on. You can't spend too long on one piece because all of your other ideas go stale. It's your responsibility as a musician to not let that happen. To let the ideas that you have get out, even if they're not perfect. You owe it to society. It's your responsibility.
Sorry this whole blog is rather spaced. I'm rather spaced.
It's Saturday, the 29th, and I'm tired at 10:00.

Hello, moon.
Hello, fear.
I have no one
that I hold dear.

Hello, Love.
I'm so sorry.
Hello, Sun.
Don't worry.

Goodbye, fear.
Hello, daylight.
In the sunshine,
you're beside me.
You're beside me.

Hope you enjoyed this.
And thus concludes January!
This will be more work than I thought.
I won't fizzle out though.
Thanks for reading