All this to say, I have just recently watched a movie called Julie & Julia. And..... well... I was moved.
The movie is about a girl (Julie) who, having fizzled out halfway through writing a novel (sound familiar?), has moved with her husband to Queens to live over a Pizzeria (living over the pizzeria wasn't really the point of the move... I guess I worded that a bit funkily). Between balancing her work and her married life, she also cooks simply because she likes it. I'm not really sure what drove her to do it; it could have been her boredom with her life and a desire to do something fresh and new, or perhaps a cry to the internet for some sort of attention, or a chance to talk about herself freely. But whatever the case, Julie decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook in a year (Over 400 recipes in 365 days) and make a blog about it to freely publish her words.
What I like about this is that she took the two things she was good at (writing and cooking) and put them to work in a slightly unconventional fashion. And in the end, she learned how to Bone A Chicken (something not the average cook can do, I suppose). And she also wrote about it, which made her a better writer all-around and later led to the publishing of her very own book.
So I suppose this is a very childish thing of me to do. It's such the thing to do to try to include yourself into the experience of other people, so that perhaps you can feel a bit like how they felt. I usually make fun of people like that. Anyway...
I like writing. I like blogging. And I like music. All kinds of music. I like making it and composing it and recording it. I like talking about it and critiquing it. And lastly, I like sharing it. And I like challenging myself.
So after watching this one inspiring movie about two inspiring women, I was moved to this: make a blog about music. Any kind of music. My music. Someone else's music. Any music. The challenge? Blog four times a month, with each blog holding either an audio file or video file of music that I have created and recorded. The songs can be an original composition, a cover song, a piece by a composer, a video song, or whatever else. As long as it is me making the music. I suppose Four songs a month doesn't sound like much of a challenge. But what with my desire to do moderately well in school and to actually have friends, well... I think four is enough. And besides, songs are different. They need time to be digested and spit up and digested again, like the cud of a cow, you know? Oh, and I've even given myself some life lines. If by the end of a month, I only have three songs posted, I can either critique an album made this year, or..... I don't know. If I actually have some sort of following, I can let the public decide on my punishment.
Is that terribly cliche of me to do this? I mean, if I wasn't doing this, I would probably be spending my next year taking too long of showers and stalking too many people on Facebook. I do think I need some sort of solid hobby. Something with grit and deadlines. I want this blog to be about exploring music. So, sure... the idea was born by a movie... a chick flick, nonetheless. But I think this could be interesting.
And so, just like the housewife living above the pizzeria, Isaac Middleton, having fizzled out of many tasks in his life, takes up the task of a Fifty-two Song-a-year blog. What could drive him to such an idea? Could it be boredom with his life and a desire to do something fresh and new, or perhaps a cry to the internet for some sort of attention, or a chance to talk about himself freely? Whatever the case, the idea has been planted. I'm determined to not fizzle out. But then... I was determined not to fizzle out with tap dancing as well... Let's just see, then. Let the blogging begin!
..Well that was kind of a cheesy ending...
Thanks for reading
- Isaac
Wow. I love this.